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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2013 1:00am-1:30am EST

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you mean to cause a report. i've done the close want to but i will follow through on. a pledge that remains unfulfilled america's notorious detention camp has been open for eleven years with a little outcry in the u.s. . syria's uranium stockpiles at risk the west is concerned where the good and up and the conflict while critics say is just another excuse for military intervention. and war u.k. parents are forced to go hungry to feed their children while charity is the only hope for those on the breadline.
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this is r.t. coming to you live from moscow i'm marina josh and welcome to the program the mentor is u.s. detention facility at guantanamo bay in cuba marks its eleventh anniversary the spy president obama's four year old promise to shut the camp while human rights groups are calling for freedom for those clearer for release and for a fair trial for the others polls show the majority of americans have moved on as our he's gone and she can now reports public opinion in the u.s. relies more in fiction than fact. president obama's call to look forward not backward has resulted in attempts to sweep the past under the rug including some of his own promises to close guantanamo and i will follow through on that colonel morris davis was a chief prosecutor at guantanamo and to george w. bush and he later became a vocal critic of the practices there and strongly supported president obama's pledge to shut down the prison he says the perception of guantanamo in the u.s.
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has come a long way since two thousand and eight when he was a burning and highly controversial issue with a nation demanding action he gets a free pass on i mean the public largely could care less the mainstream media now here in the us. you know is more interested in car dash and then they are and what happens at guantanamo. so who's going to challenge it if we're looking for the biggest threat to america right now she's right there her name is kim carr daschle and. america has moved on and so has its perception of torture polls by the american red cross show the majority of americans now find torture acceptable sixty percent of young people agree whereas four years ago torture was largely condemned in the us. hollywood has arguably contributed to that evolution of public opinion in the movie zero dark thirty day or trade the information that led to the capture
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and killing of osama bin laden was obtained through enhanced interrogation techniques or torture and in fact that is simply not true actual information was obtained through a report based interrogation techniques the government classified everything related to its torture practices which allows politicians pundits and filmmakers the freedom to perpetuate all kinds of myths although a slew of washington insiders including the senate intelligence committee point out how torture has proved to be ineffective but in america it's often fiction not facts that make history this is more important than reality this is the movies where americans learn their history and today the history in the making is the drone strikes this amounts to the administration executing people without due process often in absolute secrecy in foreign lands with a remote control but will obama's drones generate as much of
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a backlash as one tunnel did for george w. bush and we've now got have a generation that only knows the post nine eleven hero. we're things like guantanamo and the warrantless wiretapping that's all we've ever known you know for a decade now and i think it's just become an accepted part of life unfortunately judging by how the guantanamo controversy evolved here is what may transpire with regards to drones the urgency of the issue will subside in the west because there will be no american troops dying there will be no strong public movement where there may even be a move your troops out even if the logical capabilities of drones and once the controversy dies down it will become the new normal and americans will move on in washington i'm going to check on. two former guantanamo detainees half can down be oscar nominated film zero dark thirty for justifying torture be called an
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attempt to rehabilitate those guilty of human rights abuse activist who's been campaigning for the closure of the guantanamo camp says the u.s. is violating international law with the world community turning a blind eye. on him a bay officer eleven years has got immense symbolic power and all the things it represents to human rights campaigners people who believe in truth justice and the rule of law it represents injustice for the americans it gives them a raise and it gives them a system within which an extra legal system within which they can continue the. illegal detention arbitrary detention torture drone attacks all the other bits of the postle that we've seen over the past eleven years from the american administration so the united states which has signed a torch conventions has on the geneva conventions but is trying to work outside of them by calling torture in hans interrogation and by calling the prisoners of war anime combatants is trying to create
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a completely new structure which in some parts it has succeeded peter put on tom i'm a bay open. star wars there from a london based activist money are one of those campaigning to close guantanamo. on the border and beyond the courts eleven years on guantanamo remains open for business marty looks at the interrogation nerve center of america's war on terror.
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the weapons could fall into the wrong hands you know while the u.k. says it could start arming the rebels that is to ask quickly to lift an arms embargo middle east commentator and blogger carl shero believes the iranian and she is just another red herring. now there's a kind of sequence a chain of alarmists in our us that are being produced concerning chemical weapons
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nuclear or any i'm sort of the syrian regime there's a process of planning for that day off their ass as western powers very miserly get i think there are. different reasons for them to step in and take control of the un tria country it shouldn't happen i do want to start is that said now they're afraid that iran might get this uranium minor injury and you know i mean five conducting it now how much should i spend how did so i think it's another in this long list of possible reasons for good as to our western states to intervene and it seems that there's a lot of preparation for a pretext for stepping in should i start full and taking control of the situation including the u.k. when the u.k. government decided to plan for that possibility so you see that there are multiple failures engaged in that process which is kind of really shocking the fate of syria
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could be decided outside this blatantly. more and more people in the u.k. are forced to rely on charity food banks to get their daily meal thousands of households are left with choice between keeping warm or putting food on their tables parents skipping meals to feed their children are just boy boy go has the details. for this struggling mother it's a hand to mouth existence with the pressure of two hungry mouths to feed gemma receives has small shop assistant wage and to state benefits every choose day some of the away but when i found there and i will if you have far found in my path and i think what. other five pound not much when you're living on the breadline one in five mothers in britain just like gemma regularly skip meals just to feed their children you want to make. you hear it all the time when tb how they should be in a five a day in fresh me but you know sometimes you just can't do it and you have to buy them seventy seven p.
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basic classes part because that's who you can afford for the single mother manage in a tiny budget is turning into a puzzle that's harder and harder to solve we are seeing a lot more families turning also they have to make difficult choice between things like eating and heating putting food on the table or paying the bills part of this is driven by problems in benefit administration sanctions being applied of in an appropriate way that leaves people having to go to food banks food banks such as this one run by the trussell trust that charity first started working with abandoned children involved area but they switched over to the u.k. when they discovered what they call hidden hunger in britain three fruit banks open every week in the u.k. now and in unexpected areas like kensington and chelsea where houses like these distribute store cupboard staples and tinned food to families that are in need of emergency provisions in fact over two hundred thousand people had to turn to food
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banks last year in order to get. bed that's double the amount of the year before so if the sad dynamic persists banks like these are going to have to get a whole lot bigger in order to feed britain's struggling families charities say that some parents are so desperate to feed their children that they consider stealing it's become such a reality that police have been known to take hungry shoplifters to food banks instead of arresting them a lot of people that come to the banks have stories which are really heartbreaking and we've had people coming to food banks who've been forced to choose between eating and feeding their children and that's something we see very regularly just like gemma's over half of britain's impoverished children have parents that are in work and the issue of putting food on the table eats up their lives on come to a monday. on a monday evening waiting to take the balance to one of those when i exude there is . it kind of controls you
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a little bit kind of takes over your lives because when you're going through week to week with a small amount you think well i'm going to smile and you say and i'm not i'll do a list like this is going to pay that this could be paid out like that leaves me that much for shopping and it takes over your your thinking for most of the week and with the cost of basic necessities including food rising all the time gemma lives on a diet of daily struggle and worry about the future polly boyko r t london. coming up later in the program voicing discontent in the digital age has never been on a must want washington to accept cyber attacks as a legitimate form of protest and a fresh coalition split in the u.k. after a u.s. diplomat said britain should leave the e.u. while prime minister david cameron contemplates a referendum on staying in the union all that and more after a short break. with
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back you're watching ninety going to live from moscow now thousands of supporters of an as well in present day which obvious rally outside the presidential palace on a day when he should have been sworn in for a new six year term thomases not to ration has been postponed indefinitely at a controversial superior court ruling as he recovers from cancer surgery in cuba chip political analyst eric draitser believes the chinese government could face a threat from abroad in the absence of its charismatic leader. for the opposition despite all of their posturing and despite the fact that the private corporate media inside of venezuela and around the world is very much squarely behind them and us imperialism they lack a very real base of support on the ground they have some support but as we saw in the results of the recent elections that opposition is still very much in the minority now in terms of an international destabilization using this opposition this is very much a very real possibility of course we've seen much of the destabilization campaign
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emanating out of the u.s. embassy out of the institutions that's why we saw u.s. a id and other international organizations that are controlled by the state department booted out of that country or at the very least minimized so this is a standard tactic that is very much part of the playbook of twenty first century imperialism of the united states but again the danger here is that without chavez and without the power of his personality that they'll be able to attack those institutions inside the country the question will be how strong are the ball of aryan institutions and how really is that base of support to come out into the streets in support of the revolution and against what could only be called counter-revolutionaries of the opposition representing wall street and washington. they have a group anonymous have posted a petition on the white house website seeking to make distributed denial of service attacks a legal form of progress the organization claims that slowing or shutting down
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a website is not hacking and should be considered the equivalent of a real life street picket at a national human rights laura stanley cohen says such a ten such action should fall under a first amendment protection. when barack obama gets on the television and begs his followers and when politicians implore their followers to get on the switchboard to shut him down to send a message to support a position it's considered free speech the da says essentially nothing different than what obama is doing what politicians are doing and what corporations are doing through lobbying firms when you're standing in front of the building it's legal picketing when you break the window it's now a crime so if you infect a computer you can charge someone not with some sort of conspiracy but with a criminal mischief offense we have traditional laws which are designed when people cross the line it's that we with all first amendment activities and it should be no different here we're talking about classic first amendment free speech activities
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keep in mind in this day and age corporations are considered to be persons for purposes of free speech their money is recognized as free speech how much more true is it would people want to express through a system designed by the government in country right now their opposition to a policy by action without criminal mischief without damage without injury and without that i think it's less likely at this show that president obama will recognize that because he has a history of trying to repress free speech he's he's or he's afraid of the light of day i think it's more likely that down the road some of the courts may the man may look at some of these actions and find that there's first amendment protection and free speech implicated that's not to say that an effort to change the president's mind shouldn't be undertaken again we're not talking about hacking we're not talking about theft we're not talking about injuring property in any sense of the word and the gun control debate is locked and loaded in the u.s. where and new survey shows america that has the lowest life expectancy of wealthy
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nations due to the huge number of firearms owned there or in this on our website. also online siberia calls a state of emergency as packs of hungry wolves prowl settlements in the hunt for a live stock this and many other stories on our website r.t. dot com. the u.k.'s coalition government faces a new rift over a u.s. diplomat warning britain against leaving the e.u. the prime minister tried to glance over the situation as he wants to renegotiate london's relations with brussels meanwhile he's dabney claims americans warning is spot on as the u.k. is valuable to the u.s. because of its position in europe are these laurus ms has the details it always known that the u.s. prefers the u.k. has a close relationship with the e.u. because when it wants something done it's britain that it calls this kind of direct challenge to the government over europe to the involving itself in internal bush's
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affairs is something a little bit new the u.s. is warned of the dangers of holding a referendum on europe for the u.k. and it has called for full out of the coalition government although that's no so difficult thing to do these days david cameron the prime minister has played it out saying it's just an opinion but nick clegg his deputy has said that it is a big issue that the u.k. is valuable to the us us precisely because it has a close relationship with the european union but of course his party does stands against anything that distances person from the now i felt that the main issue for people here given that there's an increasing lack of support for britain's membership of the european union would probably be just that the us sticking its already so i went out to us that they have concerns and i can understand because they were saying they feel that we have similar values. therefore we represent them and the european union. clearly a major problem and we take notice but equally i don't think the mystery fully
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understand how the union works. implications for britain i don't think it is because i mean we're a different country to them so you know i think we should make. a lot of people in the streets they're seeing it as a question of sovereignty now with me i said gerrard baton he's a member of the european parliament we've always known haven't we the u.s. prefers that the u.k. has a close relationship with the union so what difference does it make now that they've said it out loud i think the difference here is that they're actually interfering in british politics i think there's a difference between you can understand a country having a view about other countries' foreign policy and stating that but i think this is a bit different this is a direct attempt to interfere in british domestic policies and they're trying to frighten the british people by saying you know we'd lose in front. of and all the rest of it if we continue along this road of actually asking what's happened to our national sovereignty it's gone and we'd like it back and the polite thing applied
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thing i would say the guy is president. and david cameron's got these big plans for a referendum we're expecting this announcement within the next few weeks you'll be pleased about that what difference does this really i think you'd have to be very naive to think if david cameron is sincere about this he's talked about a referendum but this whole thing about renegotiation is a nonsense you cannot renegotiate the terms of our membership terms of membership decided by treaty they have to be done by the you know animists agreement of all twenty seven member states and twenty eight soon when croatia joins you cannot renegotiate on a piecemeal basis and nobody in the european you other countries going to renegotiate our terms or allow us to because we're one of the biggest paymasters to the you so the u.s. is worried about nothing but i think the americans should mind their own business. you know what we don't tell them how to about their national sovereignty they shouldn't tell us which is the most precious thing we've got is the right to determine our own democratic affairs thank you very much at starbucks and talking
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to me about ministration expressing his opinion on the u.k. and i'm sure the e.u. . in a u. turn now the international monetary fund its chief economist has admitted the organization has failed to predict how the austerity measures its recommand would hit europe. says the i am after has severely underestimated the effects of increased unemployment particularly to weak. like greece the study says that every dollar that governments cut reduced economic output by one point fifty dollars wealth manager mark upbeat probably says the admission won't help those who are paying for their government's mistakes the reality is of course that in most places western governments which includes most of the southern european countries the level of state involvement in the economy has grown substantially over the last few years what happens is of course that any significant austerity measures will have
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a massive impact on the on the economy what is being is debt accumulation that's the same in the us and most of most of your memory is continuing massive accumulation of sovereign debt. for some point this was. through the all through the european central bank through the germans and then the european community has imposed these these massive austerity measures on european peripheral countries and of course it's not the people's from. the government. it's not the people's fault but the banking system has failed. and needed to be held back but it's the people who have to do you read the dead through taxation and.
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enjoy all these the massive measures. ireland has stuck to its own to stare at it to moments where the e.u. commission praising dublin which is on track to complete its programme of cutbacks this near ireland's hopes for a banking relieve have also been raised as a takes the reins of the e.u. for the next six months but some analysts say the e.u. presidency will be another burden on the people there's a lot of propaganda thrown in that position within ireland at the moment and how it is doing and i think that's basically it also could try and keep a very disgruntled public happy because i think a lot of people are aware that there are many people on the street that are paying a car out of bailing out. british banks and i think that the directive of the e.u. propaganda machine is to ensure that people really don't see past the very basic just sad that has been part on this whole issue of how the e.u.
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is actually forcing ireland to. reckless lending and clearly you know it's also effort by the. keep everything looking perfect as an international level because the crest and ality of the or of course is because it was losing that it was more credibility it's going to do serious damage to the credibility of the e.u. as a whole which is why i think there's a lot of hype and spin over the current presidency which is also costing by the way the taxpayer a huge amount. as people across europe struggle through tough cuts and tax hikes the banks are making sure they are left on harmed coming up we explore why the secrecy behind banking or galatians is robbing people of their trust in the financial system. america's military future in afghanistan afghan leader hamid karzai is to meet president obama with washington still mulling the number of u.s. troops that will remain in the country after twenty fourteen more of that in just
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a few minutes stay with us. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so please you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charged welcome to the big picture.
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thanks for joining us here on r t going to live from moscow i'm marina joshie afghan leader hamid karzai is and washington to thrash out america's role in afghanistan during talks with president obama mr karzai has already met to fans are really on panetta and secretary of state hillary clinton the focus of the wider one meeting is expected to beyond the number of american troops that will remain in afghanistan after the majority in twenty eight fourteen and their possible role washington hasn't finalized as decision yet but it doesn't rule out a complete was drawl that's an area is not welcomed by the afghan government whose position is increasingly fragile than a strengthening taliban insurgency will remand leverett whose worked extensively with u.s. diplomats in the middle east in asia believes president karzai is in the know when to.


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